CBD oils are not all the same and for this reason they will not be able to give the same results!

Gli oli di CBD non sono tutti uguali e per questo motivo non potranno dare gli stessi risultati!

The difference comes from the cleanliness of the product: the cleaner the CBD, the better it works .

An isolated product absolutely free of THC and phytocomplex does not cause any side effects, the reason?

Hemp is a phytoremediative plant , which means it has the ability to absorb chemicals, heavy metals and other contaminants from the soil , making it useful for remediating contaminated land, but it can pose a danger when used to produce supplements and medicinal products.

If not cleaned of phytocomplex, the plant may contain heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, pesticide residues and dioxins.

One of the main problems with Full Spectrum and FECO products is the lack of stringent regulations and quality standards, the variability in the cultivation and extraction processes can lead to significant differences in the purity and safety of the products.

While CBD offers numerous potential benefits, it is essential to be aware of the risks associated with Full Spectrum and FECO products , especially in terms of contamination from heavy metals, pesticides, and residual solvents.

Hemp, with its complex phytocompounds, requires further study to fully understand the effects of all its components and ensure consumer safety; until more stringent regulations are implemented, consumers must make informed and prudent choices regarding CBD products.

If you think there are some useful molecules for your problems, add them, there is no need to risk your health by taking unknown and potentially toxic molecules, with us it is absolutely free.

Furthermore, CBD works according to its half-life which varies from person to person and must therefore be taken according to subjective responses useful for maintaining a constant concentration in the body to effectively modulate the endocannabinoid system and its 65 molecular receptors with which it interacts.

Trust our expert therapists who will help you customize the dosage and number of daily doses for free to maximize the therapeutic benefits of CBD, while ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

Send us a message on whatsapp at 347 110 3543 and make an appointment with one of our experts! Or click on the whatsapp icon that appears on your right.


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